Special Assistant to the Prime Minister for Political Affairs Dr Shahbaz Gul has said that petrol price is being increased by Rs .71 per liter. The other day, he tweeted his message on Twitter and said that according to the data of July 26, the price of petrol in 27 countries of the world is lower than Pakistan and in 140 countries it is higher than Pakistan. According to him, the average price of petrol in the world is 19 1.19 per liter. He said that the prices of petroleum products in the world increased by 47% while in Pakistan it increased by 11%. Now, on the recommendation of OGRA, the price of petrol is being increased by 71 paisa per liter with effect from August 1. He said that increase in diesel prices affected the common man and farmers more so its rates were not increased. Now, after the increase in petrol price, it has been fixed at Rs 119.80 per liter. On the other hand, the price of Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) has also been increased by Rs 10 per kg, which was announ...
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