The corona virus from India, known as the Delta variant, has
caused a fourth wave of Corona in Pakistan. Information about the Delta variant
so far suggests that it is more dangerous than other forms of the Corona virus
and has a greater potential to infect humans. Corona is currently spreading
rapidly in Pakistan due to the Delta variant. Among many other causes of the
spread of this epidemic, one of the major reasons is the attitude of the
people. Many people, while believing the conspiracy theories to be true, either
deny the existence of the Corona virus and the epidemic that spreads it, or say
that it was created by Western countries and various institutions and through
it they spread to the world. Want to gain control. One theory is that vaccines
against the Corona virus are harmful to humans. Believing this theory, many
people are not getting vaccinated, which is increasing the problems. In this
situation, the government is constantly appealing to the people for
cooperation. This is because the epidemic cannot be completely controlled
without public support. In the countries of the world where the epidemic has
been contained, the people, in full cooperation with their governments, have
ensured strict implementation of the Precautionary Measures (SOPs).
To make the public aware of the importance of SOPs and to
inform them about the fourth wave of Corona, Prime Minister Imran Khan on
Sunday also spoke in this regard while answering the questions of the people
directly on the telephone. He said that the fourth wave of Corona has come in
Pakistan, Indian type of Corona virus is very dangerous. If there is a
lockdown, where will the wage earners and the working class go? We have saved
our economy and our people by making the right decisions. We can never destroy
our economy by lockdown. Commenting on the decision of the Sindh government
regarding the lockout, Imran Khan said that you will keep the people hungry by
doing a complete lockdown. If we want to lock down, we have to look the other
way. The Prime Minister's position on locking is correct that it affects the
life of the common man badly and has a negative impact on the economy, but it
should also be noted that the epidemic due to non-lock It will not spread so
much that we will not be able to control its effects later.
Currently, the prevalence of Corona in Pakistan is such that
the number of people affected by it has once again reached 5,000 per day. The
epidemic also killed 62 people in 24 hours on Saturday and Sunday. The total
number of deaths due to corona in Pakistan has reached about 23,000 while the
number of active cases in the country is currently around 70,000. The rate of
positive cases across the country has reached 8.82%. The total number of people
infected with the corona virus across the country has exceeded one and a half
million. According to the National Command and Operations Center (NCOC), more
than 23 million people have been vaccinated against the first corona virus and
so far more than 6.3 million people have received both doses of the corona
vaccine. On Sunday, Asad Omar, the federal minister for planning and head of
the NCOC, said in figures released on the social networking site Twitter that
the number of vaccinators in the country was increasing rapidly and last week.
A record increase was seen in this regard during the six days.
In order to control the corona epidemic, the issuance of
boarding passes for domestic air travel has been made conditional on the corona
vaccine. The decision to make the certificate mandatory was implemented and the
process of checking the Corona Vaccine Certificate of the passengers at the
special counters was started. A PIA spokesman said passengers must be
vaccinated with at least one dose of the vaccine for air travel, and passengers
under the age of 18 are exempt from the CRONA certificate. Similarly, the
Punjab government is taking several steps to curb the spread of Corona
epidemic. In this regard, Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Bazdar said that
by following SOPs, citizens can make not only themselves but also others safe.
Vaccination is most effective in this regard. The number of patients is
increasing due to the fourth wave of Corona. God willing, if the rate of
positive cases increases further, smart lockdown may have to be applied again.
When the Sindh government imposed a lockdown in view of the delicate situation,
the Center took a firm stand on it. Even today, the Prime Minister is
interpreting the lockdown as a disaster for the economy. If there was a
lockdown in Sindh, there was no other choice. Things are getting better there
now. Other provinces have to do their best to avoid such situations.
The Indian delta variant, which caused the fourth wave of
corona virus in Pakistan, is said to cause the epidemic to spread 60% faster
than the British variant. The people should cooperate with the government in
this regard to ensure that the situation does not deteriorate to such an extent
that the government has to decide to lock up. In the case of lockouts, the
biggest losers are those who work for a daily wage and those who work in small
businesses. Scholars, teachers and writers should also consider it their duty
in the current situation not only to educate the public about the epidemic but
also to explain to them the importance of following government guidelines to
stop its spread.
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